환 영합니다 hwangy0ng hamnida

환 영합니다 hwangy0ng hamnida


Thursday, June 30, 2011



Today, i just finished downloading four (4) e-books from hilalplaza.. sume nih sebab nak cube membaikkan diri.. Insyallah.. antara buku-buku yang aku download adalah:

# Maryam: an examplary muslim woman
# Don't Be Sad
#Hadith Bukhari
# Tafsir Quran

sume tu can be download directly through Hilalplaza and it won't take you spend longer time downloading it.. most of it tak sampai 10 minutes pun dah bleh baca..

Enjoy reading guys!

Experiencing the world...

Definitions of Baik


Lepas baca buku yang aku cakap kat entry before ni yang Versus tu, banyak persoalan berkisar pasal nak jadi baik.. tapi sebelum dapat jawab pertanyaan tu.. kne define makna baik tu sendiri..


*mungkin bagi sesetengah orang, baik itu bile seseorang tu dah well-behave, xde tonggang liquor, amek drugs, pakai sopan, pakai tudung, tutup aurat tu baik..


lepas mengetahui makna sebenar baik nih.. memang trase macam dah tahu tapi sebenarnye kte banyak tak tahu and lebih-lebih lagi x faham n terus terang cakap tak melekat and tak terkesan kat jiwa and minda.. makna baik adalah:

* seseorang yang melakukan segala perintah Allah dan meninggalkan segala larangan Allah yakni melakukan AMAR MAKRUF NAHI MUNGKAR..


mesti macam dah pernah dengar kan?? mestilah.. dlaam PMR nad SPM ade kot.. seap untuk PAFA pass g tuh.. kite memang banyak yang dah tahu tapi macam x melekat kan..

mesti jawapan kebanyakkan kite nih YA! sebabnye, sekeliling kite ni pun banyak yang Islam pada IC je..

lao nak ikut phrasa Baik tu.. yang pompuan pakai tudung p x solat lima waktu tu belum baik lagi.. yang solat lima waktu p tak pakai tudung pun belum baik g..

so, ape lagi..

tepuk dada tanye iman masing-masing.. sebab it's never too late to turn to HIM before you Return To HIM.. Insyallah.. 

Lastly, nak jadi baik bukan senang tapi berusaha untuk jadi baik amat baik sebab Allah bukan tengok kepda natijah tetapi pada USAHA untuk menjadi baik itu..

"You'll never reach perfection because thre's always room for improvement. Yet all the way to perfection you'll learn to get better" - Sun, Versus::Hlovate (2010)

Experiencing the world...

Versus :: Hlovate


oryte.. hari ni khatam la sdah aku bce cyte Versus written by Hlovate. Actually lao novel Melayu memang aku akn hanya layan Hlovate nye nukilan.. sebabnye cre penulisan dye ringkas, senang faham, lite walauade certain-certain nye berkisar kepada spiritual and Holistic.. X kesahla sebab aku dah terbiasa dengan penceritaan dye yang macam tu.. Best sebenarnye sebab sambil membaca untuk meringankan minda, ada gak hasilnye untuk santapan minda and sambil itu ade gak untuk memperingati diri sendiri yang kadang-kadang hanyut gak dalam "kenormalan" masyarakat sekeliling..

sambil-sambil itu ade gak dalam karya Hlovate yang ni diselitkan dengan unsur-unsur harmonious relationship with families, spouse, friends.. and sambil-sambil cyte pasal harmonious friendship nye relation tu, ade gak diulas sekali mengenai border atau batas-batas dalam pergaulan diantara seorang muslimah and muslimin.. yang paling best, setiap teguran nye ade penyokong kuat melalui sisipan-sisipan tafsiran ayat-ayat Al-Quran, hadith-hadith, quotes from religious books macam Maryam: an examplary muslim woman karya Harun Yahya, Virtues of Quran by Sheikh Abdul Qadir, Principles of Marriages and Family Ethics by Ibrahim Amini, and banyak lagila.. but mostly Hlovate gne Quran nye tafsiran surah-surah and hadith.. 

Yang teramat best nye plak bile Hlovate letting down the meanings of all the surah that Hlovate use in the novel macam surah untuk memujuk diri kita seperti Ad-Dhuha and Al-Insyirah.. Al-Mulk pun sbb surah Al-Mulk memberikan keyakinan pada diri kita..

kat sini, i'll put down some of the meaning for each surah that i'd stated above:

*ayat 3- 5..

(3) (Bahawa) Tuhanmu (wahai Muhammad) tidak meninggalkanmu, dan Ia tidak benci (kepadamu, sebagaimana yang dituduh oleh kaum musyrik).

(4) Dan sesungguhnya kesudahan keaadaanmu adalah lebih baik bagimu daripada permulaannya.

(5) Dan sesungguhnya Tuhanmu akan memberikanmu (kejayaan dan kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat) sehingga engkau reda - berpuas hati. 

*ayat 1 - 8...

1. Bukankah Kami telah melapangkan dadamu untukmu?
2. Dan mengangkat bebanmu dari (pundak)mu,
3. Yang telah memberatkan punggungmu?
4. Dan meninggikan untukmu sebutan kamu?
5. Karena sesungguhnya bersama setiap kesulitan ada kemudahan,
6. Sesungguhnya bersama setiap kesulitan ada kemudahan.
7. Maka jika engkau sudah bebas, tetaplah tabah bekerja keras!
8. Dan jadikanlah Tuhanmu sebagai tujuan [kerinduan] engkau semata!

*ayat 5, 12 - 14...

(5) Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah menghiasi langit yang dekat (pada penglihatan penduduk bumi) dengan bintang-bintang, dan Kami jadikan bintang-bintang itu punca rejaman terhadap Syaitan-syaitan; dan Kami sediakan bagi mereka azab neraka yang menjulang-julang. 

(12) Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang takut (melanggar hukum) Tuhannya semasa mereka tidak dilihat orang dan semasa mereka tidak melihat azab Tuhan, mereka beroleh keampunan dan pahala yang besar.

(13) Dan tuturkanlah perkataan kamu dengan perlahan atau dengan nyaring, (sama sahaja keadaannya kepada Allah), kerana sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui akan segala (isi hati) yang terkandung di dalam dada.

(14) Tidakkah Allah yang menciptakan sekalian makhluk itu mengetahui (segala-galanya)? Sedang Ia Maha Halus urusan PentadbiranNya, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya! 


okies.. back to the novel...

Hlovate dalam setiap novel beliau gak menceritakan perihal kehidupan manusia yang sebenarnya yang sedang berlaku dimana, seseorang yang menjalani almost all of the Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar akan dikatakan tidak cool berbanding yang layan skates, bike, and bnyk lagi lah.. sebabnye dari segi fashion je yg sebetul-betulnye menutup aurat akan mengenakan pakaian yang memang x leh nampak lah aurat tu berbanding yang pakai tudung p pakai T.. ni bukan nk mengata.. #sorry kalau ade yang terase# here, i just stated the truth from the view seorang muslim though i'm not perfect at all.. p insyallah akan sentiasa berusaha ke arah kebaikan..
Selain tu, beliau gak ade huraikan serba sedikit mengenai pergaulan sesama manusia by gender though bukan satu muka surat penuh.. p bile kte bace akn trase impak nye sbb bukan orang laen, me myself pun kadang-kadang terbuat gak bertepuk tampar suke-suki dengan yang bukan mahram sebab dah terbiasa dengan aliran yang macam tuh.. bagi orang lain melalui pandangan yang tidak mengikut hukum Allah, bnde tu sume nye biasa and normal.. tapi bile dilihat melalui sudut hukum Allah, bersentuhan terhadap yang bukan muhrim adalah berdosa.. 

senang cyte, u guys g la jenguk karya-karya Hlovate kat laman-laman sesawang beliau:

1. hlovate

2. hlovatehikayat
3. hlovatetalk
4. hlovatetulis


Experiencing the world...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

friend's blog..


okies.. balit2 keja trus bukak lappy.. then on my FB as usual.. bukak twitter to see any tweets from anyone.. then blogging.. tengah2 blogging, pop up chat through FB plak muncul.. form my friend Suwa Suwe.. slalu dah chat ngnnya but tonyte exchange blog.. bok tauk nya ada blog.. so, mintak la..

baca2 nya pun blog, then, she said she already updating a new post.. i read it.. siyes, lawak.. it's about my dearest mummy, Mdm Noraida.. pasal kura-kura..

nak baca blog tu??

simply klik kura-kura above..

Experiencing the world...

Sunday, June 26, 2011



Hari ni layan plak aku lagu jiwang ttibe.. slh satunye

lagu nih: aku wanita biasa .. klik je kat ctu lao nk dgr.. layan sgt2.. p ttibe aku rse.. ape hal lak aku nih lyn lagu jiwang ttibe?? so aku trus bukak blog yg aku slalu jenguk sjak d bg tahu oleh lecturer aku..

Blog nih buat aku hilang stress and asyek ektawa je.. blog sape lagi lao bukan blog KAK SENDUK yg ske mnghanjeng kan blog dye tuh.. hanjeng2 pun aku ske gak sbb mmg best.. Two thumbs up la Kak Senduk.. den ske Kak Senduk nye blog posts tu.. ade2 je idea nye nk mnghanjeng kan cyte dye.. hehe
 * nk follow or jenguk Kak Senduk nye link, klik jew kat name Kak Senduk yg pakai huruf beso tu k..

pas dah lyn, aku dah okies.. so, aku buat la blog aku nih..

dan skarang ni plak, mata aku pun dah mule ngantuk.. so, tidola.. ape g kan..

nunyte sume..



Experiencing the world...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011



 :: A month ago, I was in this condition.. ::

:: Now, I'm like this man.. ::


Pictures speak more than words.. and only pictures can speak louder than action.. lalalalalala

p/s: aku dh mule msok zmn mengarut, mencarut, melalut balik dah... hahaha :)

Experiencing the world...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day


As appeared on the top of my blog for today's post.. A very Happy Father's Day to all fathers in the world especially my DAD.. 
Dearest Fathers in the world.. You guys really make our world blasting with all the necessities and wants that we children always ask for.. There's nothing in this world can ever replace you.. Dad, you'r my dad.. whatever things that happen to us, your kids, you will always there standing next to us.. Motivating us to do and fight for our rights and Dad, you just like a mighty machine that always searching for our happiness and joy.. Yes, you did not shed our tears.. Mom always did that.. But you, You the only one that always seek for all the needs and wants of your kids other than loves that you gives to make our days.. You stayed up late and woke up at the night to take care of me when i'm having my fever.. You makes joke when we were all in boredom and in a deep thinking problems.. You cheers us up whenever we were in our sadness.. 
Dad, we knows that no other things can ever pay for all your deeds.. Even money can't buy your loves neither golds or diamonds.. Dad, for all the things that you had done for me and brothers, and sisters.. and for the whole family..., We can only gives an excellence result in everything that we do.. still, it is not enough.. but seeing your face with a smile when we achieved it, its just brighten our days.. We thank Allah for granting YOU as our Dad.. You just the only man that understand us very well.. Not our boyfriends neither the husbands too.. Dad, you're the precious gems that no one can ever buy and you're the only one that can be our dad! Thank you for everything DADDY!  

<<< These are for you Dad!

Daddy, for all the years, there is the day which all of people in the world called it Father's Day.. for us, Everyday is for Father's Day and it goes the same with Mother's Day because love for both of you and Mom knows no days and will never fade till death.. Insyallah... 
Lastly form me on behalf of other family members:


Experiencing the world...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Another Chapter of Life: Words of Wisdom and Courage


This is my wish for you:

Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.

# Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see Life with a clearer view again..
# To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place... to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded..
# Grab the opportunity that have been given to you as one small change can change everything the life...

All of our lives we always seem to direct our concern toward attempting to conclude our life path or destiny in this lifetime without really knowing or understanding what this means to us. In reality the importance lies not in trying to determine our life path or destiny, but, in effect of how much growth we accomplish within one lifetime. So you are not condemned if you make one or two mistakes from time to time! The importance in reality in the acceptance of the situation, then the understanding of what you've come to learn and move on in your life. At the end of that particular lifetime, it is measured if we succeeded to meet our intended life path and the relevance is in what amount of growth that we were capable of achieving in that lifetime.

By putting less restriction and pressure on ourselves in concentrating less on our life path, we can allow different experiences and the people that come into our lives to bring us our growth. Rather than comparing their signs in horoscope, astrology or numerology with our own in order to determine if they are compatible with us or not, just appreciate and understand that you needed those experiences when they came to you, otherwise the people were not part of your life in the first place.

It is normal to push away certain experiences or people that we encounter in our lives, a common reaction out of a lack of security in ourselves. That is in reality the fear of the unknown in any situation that is not familiar to us. Think of it in that way. If we need the experience, then that is enough reason to accept and learn to deal with it in the first place without questioning its impact or value in your life. Just accept it as part of your growth.

Growth and our life path are not the same and we cannot look at them from the same perspective.Growth is defined in such a way that for the evolution of a soul, that soul requires the capacity to evolve under specific learning experiences in order to attain a higher level of wisdom, as well as being a companion to its fellow souls without placing judgment or by discriminating people for their skin color, religion or ethnic background.

Our life path is a set of goals that we put to ourselves in an intended direction that should lead us to reach our highest possible level of growth. However, there is no such thing as one way or one direction that can lead us to our most desired life path. We can take any direction in life and always have use of our free will at our own discretion. It is important to remember that the direction will only determine the amount of growth that we accomplish from such a decision we took in our life when we do use our free will.

p/s: i'm just a writer that searching and seeking the best of me to get me to the sweetness of life.. 

Repost from facebook owner..

Experiencing the world...

:: Today ::

...اسسالاموالايكوم واراهماتوللاهيواباراكوث ... 


Hari ni nye aktiviti xde la bnyk mne.. just pagi, g uni sbb ade test2 n quiz nk kne duduk.. but b4 that, i went to see my beloved dearest lecturer, Mdm Noraida because...

 # i damn miss her so so much #
# i want to tell her bout my last semester result #
# suppose, i give her gift but it turns out to be she's giving me a necklace.. it just a simple one but it's just nice..  whatever it is, i HEART it.. #
# i really need to see her to make my nerve cooling down.. haha #

then, after that, aku g duk test n quiz tu.. perghh.. soklan mcm ape je.. hancussss sgt2.. section B je yg aku reti buat.. hurm... pas hbis mse kelas tu, i went to McD wth my partner oso my classmate to have our lunch.. double cheeseburger wth ice lemon tea for me and one McD Pounder burger with Pepsi for her.. large size.. hahaha.. oww.. not to mention, THE FRIESSSSSS.. ouwww.. i like friess! Yummy!!

around 2, we made our move and heading to uni again.. bkn pe, kte org dh jnji nk blaja sme2 smpai jam 4.. then, kte org did stdy n smpat gak jmpe our lctrer yg ngajo kte org la.. nk tnye psl certain questions yg kte org 2 x taw n x reti nk buat.. 

Mdm was really busy at that moment, she can't entertain us but she did gave us the suggested answers for all the questions.. LUCKY US HUH! hehehe :)

then at 4 sharp, "BYE BYE Uni n HELLO Homie!" hehehe..

seriously, i feel so much better bile dh smpai umah..

p/s: b4 g klas pg td, sempat la gak aku chck mail aku.. n yg bestnye >>>> RESULT AKU GEMPAK!!!! mmg gempak smpai aku nari2 je dpan fams mcm x ingt dunia.. hehehe..THANK YOU ALLAH FOR ALL THAT YOU GIVE AND GAVE ME.. ALHAMDULILLAH...

 الحمدلله..سيوكران يا الله... سيوكران الجازيلان...   

Experiencing the world...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011



tu pembuka yang bersopan.. lao ikut KL GANGSTER nye skema dialog, mcm ni la jadik nye ..


wa buat ini blog bukan mau kata apa2. wa cuma mau ckp wa suka sma itu KL GANGSTER punya OST. :: TAKHTA ::

wa ska sama itu abg long - #Malek - #Jai - #Jozan - #Shark -

wa ska suma la.

ini wa ltak TAKHTA punya lagu a..

ni wa ltak thriller utk lu tgok.

wa kasi up ini cerita pasal ini cerita ada aaron aziz, adiputra, syamsul yusuf, zizan. lu mesti tgok ini cerita.

wa chow!

final week


ni bukan cyte emo seperti yg aku penah posted dulu.. "aku xkn post g bnde2 yg emo2 ni.." n siyesly, i want to keep to my words..

this week is my final week as an intersession student taking Managerial Economics.. frankly, it is a really tough subject as i'm not only have to remember and understand the theories but also the steps to do the calculation of every functions.. it is damn hard for me but i will try to do my best as i'd promised to myself, my parents, n my families that i'll do better in everything that i did.. hopefully and insyallah, with God's will, i can pass with distinctive in this subject..

i pray to God to give me the strength to memorize, remember, and understand every single things in this subject and lighten up my heart so i can learn better from my lecturer..

next week is my final exam for Managerial Economics.. it is just around the corner and i don't want to burn the midnight oil by studying last minutes.. because i know, to be excellence, i must do lots of practice.. well, practice makes perfect though!

with all my heart, i pray that not only me, but all my friends will pass this subjects with sky high!.. insyallah... aminn...

to my dear lecturer, i will not let you down.. you can keep my words..

sisipan:: tadi ade la bce one of the blog yg my friend post kt his FB's wall.. psl dak sorang ni yg kne kutuk sbb slh pronounce ke ape ke in english.. dak tu dak youtube.. well, for me, she still can be improved as she got talent and she got the voice too.. for that youtube girl, try harder n be confidence in everything u do... u can be d best amongst the best!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Faith in urself


ni bru ade mase nk mng'update'kn blog sndr ni.. xnk cyte pnjg lebar sgt wlo pun ni blog aq.. cme aq nk smpaikan pesanan je kt sume yg bce blog nih..

# prcaye pd keupayaan anda sndr sbb kte sndr x taw kelebihan yg ade pd dr kte smpai kte percaye dgn dr kte.. kate2 ni aku petik dr slh seorang lecturer aku n mmg btul.. sbb aku dh bleh rse n dh experienced bnde nih..

# make friends and avoids making enemy(s).. ni sbb kte xnk la gado2 n asyek kerut2 je mke bile tgok enemy(s) kn? plus, muke kerut2 mrh ni kn gne bnyk otot kt muke yg bleh wat muke x cute g.. x chumel g.. x chantek g.. x handsome g.. hehehe.. g pun, ble bnyk kwn ni best oww.. bleh share common interests mcm muvees, genre musics, boy band k.. indi group k..
p/s: p jgn la carik kwn yg rosakkn dr kte lak k.. kwn mesti kne ngn tmpt n ngn spe kte kwn tu... carik kwn yg bleh ajk dr kte k jln yg btol..

# get to know people around us.. yg ni agk ssh cket nk d lakukan lao kt sekeliling kte ade bnyk smpai beratus2 org.. p x ssh lao sume pnye niat yg baek, sikap bantu mmbantu, one malaysia la snng ckp.. hehehe.. yg ni pnting spye bile ade ape2 hal snng nk contact2 k.. p jgn tr'over' contact sdha..

# figure out how to solve d probs not d probs.. yg ni mmg btol.. lao asyek pikir psl mslh bile nk slesai.. so, better kte fikir mcm mne crenye nk settlekan mslh tu.. mmg la org akn kte, lao x pikir psl mslh mcm mne nk slesaikan.. p pikir psl mslh tu dr segi positif untuk slesaikan mslh tu.. bkn fikir psl mslh tu p x fikir mcm mne nk settle kan.. kbnykkn org n trmasok aq sndr kdg2 fikir mslh je.. smpai emo la, baran la, mcm2 la.. p alhamdulillah gak.. sjak dh tau nk overcome mslh ni, aq dh okies cket.. dh bleh focus ngn ape yg aq nak.. and insyallah aq akn achieve cite2 aq.. aminnn...

tu je la yg aq nk post kt blog aq kali ni.. t insyallah next tym, ade mse aq post g k..

:: aq dh mls nk lyn sgale2 emo2 nye cyte.. yg lpas bear lpas.. bak kate omputih.. ~hehehe~ let d past b d past, move on wth ur lyfe!... caya la..

try r, insyallah kte org sume bleh achieve ape yg kte nk d dunia n d akhirat klk.. aminnn...