salam lebaran.. well, it's still in EID mubarak here.. in facts, it is d first day 0f Eid.. i'm just st0pping by t0 dr0p out my view ab0ut what i heard t0day fr0m my uncle Charles..
that's d t0pic.. we'd been talking b0ut it f0r h0urs because he needs t0 clarify f0r me b0ut all d hypocrisies in p0litics.. phew! that's was a very very deep explainati0n 4m him.. i c0uldn't undrstnd much actually but juz t0 ensure that i'm n0t hurting him in giving such an empty expressi0ns, i n0dded n ask a few Qs.. s0 that he w0uldn't realized that i'm limiting myself fr0m that t0pic..
8 d end 0f d c0nversati0n, he t0ld me this --------> " i kn0w ur th0ught b0ut this p0litics thingy, but i w0uld like 2 thnx u 4 n0t making me as a l0usy speaker 4 u as u listen n try 2 listen t0 me.. appreciate it!"
f0r a sec0nd, i'm juz sitting still 0n my chair nxt t0 my m0m.. in my mind --->>> " h0w d HELL d0es he knw that??? "
then i giggled.. i hugged him n straightly kiss his cheek.. but i c0uldn't say this t0 him ----> "thnx 4 being my uncle f0r all my lyfe!"
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