Friday, September 14, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Personality Quiz???
Hye ya! after being so long not running in my quizzila personality blog, i'm into it today.. hahaha
3 different quizzes but totally the same meaning answer.. a big Whoa then.. hehe =)
well, here is the first quiz i took and swear i'll never publish another two.. let it be me the one that knw everything about it.. (^_^)
To you, and ex is like vending-machine candy: tempting when there's nothing better around but not worth the inevitable crash. You're saving up for something more satisfying, which is why you turn to friends when you're lonely and don't pine much over mementos. Still you appreciate the relationship for what it was: a chance to figure out what you do and don't want in a partner.
#well, ex IS another-spicy-hot-spice-ingredients to make life feels GREAT and AWESOME!#
Experiencing the world...
Hye ya! after being so long not running in my quizzila personality blog, i'm into it today.. hahaha
3 different quizzes but totally the same meaning answer.. a big Whoa then.. hehe =)
well, here is the first quiz i took and swear i'll never publish another two.. let it be me the one that knw everything about it.. (^_^)
To you, and ex is like vending-machine candy: tempting when there's nothing better around but not worth the inevitable crash. You're saving up for something more satisfying, which is why you turn to friends when you're lonely and don't pine much over mementos. Still you appreciate the relationship for what it was: a chance to figure out what you do and don't want in a partner.
#well, ex IS another-spicy-hot-spice-ingredients to make life feels GREAT and AWESOME!#
Experiencing the world...
Monday, February 6, 2012
Mutiara Kata
Update kali ni just saje nak share mutiara-mutiara kata yang siambik dari buku2, majalah2, dan tak kurang juga dari petikan kata2 orang2 disekeliling saye..
setiap kata2 ini mempunyai maksud yang setiap dari kita tafsirkan dengan pelbagai andaian mengikut kehendak kita dan hanya segelintir yang memberikan penjelasan yang sebenar mengenai mutiara kata ini..
* yang ni lecturer saye slalu ckp lam kelas mse study dolu..
Semalam merupakan sejarah,
Hari ini merupakan Kenyataan,
Esok merupakan Masa Hadapan...
= ape yang dye cakap : "semalam yang sejarah ambik jadi pedoman supaya tak melakukan kesilapan di hari ini dan setiap yang berlaku hari ini, haruslah diperbaiki untuk hari esok.. maknanye, setiap kesilapan yang kita buat, hendaklah kita perbaiki supaya kita bleh upgrade diri kita menjadi seseorang yang lebih elok berbanding semalam.. Wallahualam..
* yang ni dapat dari salah satu buku ilmiah yang pernah dibaca..
Sesungguhnya hati orang yang Bodoh itu dimulutnya,
tetapi hati orang yang Bijakasana ada di hatinya..
= ape yang boleh dihuraikan melalui mutiara kata ini bagi saya adalah seseorang yang kurang ilmunya akan sering bercakap sesuatu yang tiada kepastian dan kesahihan dalm percakapannya.. dan orang yang bijaksana akan menggunakan pemikiran akal yang waras ditemani hati yang ikhlas apabila menuturkan sesuatu perkara.. dan orang yang bijaksana akan sering berdiam diri andai tiada yang perlu diucapkan..
* yang ni plak dapat dari blog member..
Jangan berbangga dengan pujian teman kerana disebalik pujian itu terselitnya satu kejian..
= Yang ni kiranye double meaning la.. pandai2 la diri sendir mentafsirkan ye sebab kita boleh je faham maknanye dari pembacaan ayat ni berulang-ulang kali.. :)
* mutiara kata ni dari seorang teman semasa satu event..
Andai kita tak dapat menjadi garam untuk menahan daging dari busuk,
Janganlah kita menjadi langau yang membusukkan daging..
= this one pernah jugak diucapkan oleh Pak Su saye satu mase dolu.. maksudnye, andai kita tak bisa menjadi penambah, jangalah pulak kita menjadi penghalang.. kiranye ayat ni memnunjukkan supaya kita mesti berfikiran yang matang untuk tidak menyusahkan yang lain andai kita tak tahu mengenai sesuatu perkara tersebut.
## hurm.. untuk entri kali ni, tu je la yang boleh saye kongsikan.. InsyaAllah lain hari nanti saye sambung balik mutiara kata ni.. lastly, Yang Baik tu datangnye dari Allah SWT dan yang buruk serta kurang tu datangnye dari saye sendiri.. Wallahualam..
Experiencing the world...
Update kali ni just saje nak share mutiara-mutiara kata yang siambik dari buku2, majalah2, dan tak kurang juga dari petikan kata2 orang2 disekeliling saye..
setiap kata2 ini mempunyai maksud yang setiap dari kita tafsirkan dengan pelbagai andaian mengikut kehendak kita dan hanya segelintir yang memberikan penjelasan yang sebenar mengenai mutiara kata ini..
* yang ni lecturer saye slalu ckp lam kelas mse study dolu..
Semalam merupakan sejarah,
Hari ini merupakan Kenyataan,
Esok merupakan Masa Hadapan...
= ape yang dye cakap : "semalam yang sejarah ambik jadi pedoman supaya tak melakukan kesilapan di hari ini dan setiap yang berlaku hari ini, haruslah diperbaiki untuk hari esok.. maknanye, setiap kesilapan yang kita buat, hendaklah kita perbaiki supaya kita bleh upgrade diri kita menjadi seseorang yang lebih elok berbanding semalam.. Wallahualam..
* yang ni dapat dari salah satu buku ilmiah yang pernah dibaca..
Sesungguhnya hati orang yang Bodoh itu dimulutnya,
tetapi hati orang yang Bijakasana ada di hatinya..
= ape yang boleh dihuraikan melalui mutiara kata ini bagi saya adalah seseorang yang kurang ilmunya akan sering bercakap sesuatu yang tiada kepastian dan kesahihan dalm percakapannya.. dan orang yang bijaksana akan menggunakan pemikiran akal yang waras ditemani hati yang ikhlas apabila menuturkan sesuatu perkara.. dan orang yang bijaksana akan sering berdiam diri andai tiada yang perlu diucapkan..
* yang ni plak dapat dari blog member..
Jangan berbangga dengan pujian teman kerana disebalik pujian itu terselitnya satu kejian..
= Yang ni kiranye double meaning la.. pandai2 la diri sendir mentafsirkan ye sebab kita boleh je faham maknanye dari pembacaan ayat ni berulang-ulang kali.. :)
* mutiara kata ni dari seorang teman semasa satu event..
Andai kita tak dapat menjadi garam untuk menahan daging dari busuk,
Janganlah kita menjadi langau yang membusukkan daging..
= this one pernah jugak diucapkan oleh Pak Su saye satu mase dolu.. maksudnye, andai kita tak bisa menjadi penambah, jangalah pulak kita menjadi penghalang.. kiranye ayat ni memnunjukkan supaya kita mesti berfikiran yang matang untuk tidak menyusahkan yang lain andai kita tak tahu mengenai sesuatu perkara tersebut.
## hurm.. untuk entri kali ni, tu je la yang boleh saye kongsikan.. InsyaAllah lain hari nanti saye sambung balik mutiara kata ni.. lastly, Yang Baik tu datangnye dari Allah SWT dan yang buruk serta kurang tu datangnye dari saye sendiri.. Wallahualam..
Experiencing the world...
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Thinking or Dilemma?? Maybe..
actually, i'm not sure either it's right or wrong to post this but i'd chose to post it up.. recently, i've been so sensitive i think as i can even know that some people are changing.. change from the way they behave towards me.. towards others, i'm not sure..
Maybe it's true that i'm too sensitive or Maybe it IS true that they had changed theirs.. Wallahualam..
if they did, i really want to know about it.. only i'm not sure will they tell me the truth about it or not.. to be more specific, peeps always hiding the truth and never want to say anything that can hurts others aite? but i think i prefer the truth though it's bitter rather than enjoying the sweetest lying words..
Maybe i made a mistake accidentally and never realizing it even though i kept on thinking bout it.. Maybe it's the thing that i' assumed as a simple easy thingy but for them it's BIG and hard.. Maybe it's my fault for being too honest.. or Maybe it's ME that think too much on it.. I'm really in ambiguous situation.. about myself and them..
seriously i've never been in this situation before.. but come Hell or High Water, i still have Allah by my side.. Thank you Allah for always shine my day..
For them, i'm really sorry if i ever hurt you people.. here, i seek for your forgiveness as i don't want to be someone that is so called friend-with-no-good-attitude-and-manner.. Maybe i made a mistake that i slipped through and not noticing it.. Sorry..
** After all that happened, there's always room to improve.. and there's always light for every darkness that occurred.. all these teach us to be a better n proper behave person.. InsyaAllah.. Aminn.. :)
Experiencing the world...
actually, i'm not sure either it's right or wrong to post this but i'd chose to post it up.. recently, i've been so sensitive i think as i can even know that some people are changing.. change from the way they behave towards me.. towards others, i'm not sure..
Maybe it's true that i'm too sensitive or Maybe it IS true that they had changed theirs.. Wallahualam..
if they did, i really want to know about it.. only i'm not sure will they tell me the truth about it or not.. to be more specific, peeps always hiding the truth and never want to say anything that can hurts others aite? but i think i prefer the truth though it's bitter rather than enjoying the sweetest lying words..
Maybe i made a mistake accidentally and never realizing it even though i kept on thinking bout it.. Maybe it's the thing that i' assumed as a simple easy thingy but for them it's BIG and hard.. Maybe it's my fault for being too honest.. or Maybe it's ME that think too much on it.. I'm really in ambiguous situation.. about myself and them..
seriously i've never been in this situation before.. but come Hell or High Water, i still have Allah by my side.. Thank you Allah for always shine my day..
For them, i'm really sorry if i ever hurt you people.. here, i seek for your forgiveness as i don't want to be someone that is so called friend-with-no-good-attitude-and-manner.. Maybe i made a mistake that i slipped through and not noticing it.. Sorry..
** After all that happened, there's always room to improve.. and there's always light for every darkness that occurred.. all these teach us to be a better n proper behave person.. InsyaAllah.. Aminn.. :)
Experiencing the world...
Sunday, January 22, 2012
as-slm.. actually aku xde la nk ckp pe2.. just nk express this : I MISS DOMO!! surely can't never have d chance to do what i did before again n not anymore i guess.. whatever it is, i really did miss it.. major!
Experiencing the world...
Experiencing the world...
Saturday, January 7, 2012
[Jennifer]Na na nananana nana na-eh (4x)
[Lil Wayne]Ahem, Hi, I'm Tune, the man on the moonI live on the beach, get the sand out ya shoesAnd all of that changed since I met youSo we can leave that old shit in the restroomOk, now I'm into you, like you never knewI'm falling for you baby, I need a parachuteSo wet, I need a wetsuitYou're way too fly, I could be ya jet fuelNow tell me what you likeI like what you tell meAnd if you understand me, than you can overwhelm meIt's too late, it's too lateEvery finish line is the beginning of a new raceYoung Money!...
[Jennifer]You've got me and I could not defend itI tried but I had to surrenderYour style got me under the spellLeft me no other choice but to get down
It's too late (it's too late), it's too late (it's too late)It's too late, it's too lateYou've got it (you've got it), you've got it (you've got it)You've got it (you've got it), you've got it
When I look into your eyes, it's overYou've got me hooked with your love controllerI'm trippin' and I could not get overI feel lucky like a four leaf clover
Cuz I'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaahI'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh (4x)
Listen, now I'm strong baby I bring the fire onSharp shooter, you can call me the zionI'm not the one easy to get toBut all that changed, baby when I met you
It's too late (it's too late), it's too late (it's too late)It's too late (it's too late), it's too lateYou've got it (you've got it), you've got it (you've got it)You've got it (you've got it), you've got it
When I look into your eyes, it's overYou've got me hooked with your love controllerI'm trippin' and I could not get overI feel lucky like a four leaf clover
Cuz I'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaahI'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh (4x)
I'm not burning and I'm feeling you boyGet it on if you feeling my world nowI love the way that you movingAnd I'm listening to how you grooving
So if you need me, just call on the cruiseWe can be whatever that you want in the newsBoy, cause I'm on it, you on it, we on itSo baby just tell me now
[Jennifer]When I look into your eyes, it's overYou've got me hooked with your love controllerI'm trippin' and I could not get overI feel lucky like a four leaf clover
Cuz I'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaahI'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh (4x)
Cuz I'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaah babyI'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaah
[Lil Wayne]Ahem, Hi, I'm Tune, the man on the moonI live on the beach, get the sand out ya shoesAnd all of that changed since I met youSo we can leave that old shit in the restroomOk, now I'm into you, like you never knewI'm falling for you baby, I need a parachuteSo wet, I need a wetsuitYou're way too fly, I could be ya jet fuelNow tell me what you likeI like what you tell meAnd if you understand me, than you can overwhelm meIt's too late, it's too lateEvery finish line is the beginning of a new raceYoung Money!...
[Jennifer]You've got me and I could not defend itI tried but I had to surrenderYour style got me under the spellLeft me no other choice but to get down
It's too late (it's too late), it's too late (it's too late)It's too late, it's too lateYou've got it (you've got it), you've got it (you've got it)You've got it (you've got it), you've got it
When I look into your eyes, it's overYou've got me hooked with your love controllerI'm trippin' and I could not get overI feel lucky like a four leaf clover
Cuz I'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaahI'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh (4x)
Listen, now I'm strong baby I bring the fire onSharp shooter, you can call me the zionI'm not the one easy to get toBut all that changed, baby when I met you
It's too late (it's too late), it's too late (it's too late)It's too late (it's too late), it's too lateYou've got it (you've got it), you've got it (you've got it)You've got it (you've got it), you've got it
When I look into your eyes, it's overYou've got me hooked with your love controllerI'm trippin' and I could not get overI feel lucky like a four leaf clover
Cuz I'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaahI'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh (4x)
I'm not burning and I'm feeling you boyGet it on if you feeling my world nowI love the way that you movingAnd I'm listening to how you grooving
So if you need me, just call on the cruiseWe can be whatever that you want in the newsBoy, cause I'm on it, you on it, we on itSo baby just tell me now
[Jennifer]When I look into your eyes, it's overYou've got me hooked with your love controllerI'm trippin' and I could not get overI feel lucky like a four leaf clover
Cuz I'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaahI'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaah
Nana nananana nana-na-eh (4x)
Cuz I'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaah babyI'm into you, I'm into youI'm into you, yeaaah
Experiencing the world...
today, i learnt that Honesty cannot be earned in just a minute nor hours, nor days, n not even months.. it take years and sometimes whole life..
talk about honesty, i have one problem with it as i trust people easily and trust them with all my heart.. well, on the other hand it is good because you will keep on thinking in a positive ways but on other part, it is SO not great because people can take advantage easily on the trust. Besides, you will be a very kind-hearted on that particular people as you cannot think negatively as you trust them.. Yes, there will be a doubt thought but only few percentages which will not affect the Trust..
therefore, now i'm looking forward on ways to solve it.. How? i don't even know how.. But one thing for sure, i will try my very best to not being so-like-trust-giver-person.. Apart of it, i will keep my attitude to be honest to people which deserves to..
Other than that, have nothing else to tell.. Yes, I have but not now.. not a right medium though..
last but not least, Fighting for Exam!!!
Experiencing the world...
today, i learnt that Honesty cannot be earned in just a minute nor hours, nor days, n not even months.. it take years and sometimes whole life..
talk about honesty, i have one problem with it as i trust people easily and trust them with all my heart.. well, on the other hand it is good because you will keep on thinking in a positive ways but on other part, it is SO not great because people can take advantage easily on the trust. Besides, you will be a very kind-hearted on that particular people as you cannot think negatively as you trust them.. Yes, there will be a doubt thought but only few percentages which will not affect the Trust..
therefore, now i'm looking forward on ways to solve it.. How? i don't even know how.. But one thing for sure, i will try my very best to not being so-like-trust-giver-person.. Apart of it, i will keep my attitude to be honest to people which deserves to..
Other than that, have nothing else to tell.. Yes, I have but not now.. not a right medium though..
last but not least, Fighting for Exam!!!
Experiencing the world...
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