환 영합니다 hwangy0ng hamnida

환 영합니다 hwangy0ng hamnida


Thursday, August 26, 2010

mistis files

salam.. i've learn new things t0day.. it's n0t ab0ut my c0urse but it's s0mething b0ut religi0ns that every0ne sh0uld kn0w especially the muslims... it's ab0ut illuminist and freemas0nry... really my muslims sibling.. u have t0 read n UG0T T0 KN0W AB0UT THIS!

it can change ur perspective ab0ut what u r d0ing n0w... insyallah it will make u b a better pers0n as what 0ur ISLAM wanted us t0... try read n understand ab0ut all these.. then, u'll kn0w what am i talking ab0ut...

0ne 0f d way t0 find ab0ut this thing, click 0n my part 0f JENGUK2 wth d first p0int - mistis...

0nce u read n get t0 kn0w ab0ut it, u'll b sh0cked 0f what it is telling u.. try my sibling... we r near t0 d ARMAGEDD0N.... SUBHANALLAH...

Monday, August 23, 2010


salam... hurhhhh... what a relief.. my first presentati0n as a bach student had past.. hahaha
even th0ugh it was n0t as sm00th as i wanted it t0 be... but, it's 0kie... i still have what it calss as a c0nfidence in myself.. Thank Allah... Praise t0 Y0u.. Alhamdulillah...

but t0m0rr0w i have t0 face an0ther presentati0n in my Pd class.. it's ab0ut my id0l.. th0ugh it s0unds easy.. but it's hard actually... n0t as hard as t0day's presentati0n i might add... hehehe

it's already day 12 0f Ramadhan that we all Muslims are celebrating... n 0nly 8 days left f0r my birthdate... hahhaa... (mcm budak kechik sungguh)

but surely i will miss my last year n last tw0 years birthday celebrati0n wth my fwens... really miss u guys... this year, maybe i'm n0t celebrating it nem0re.. wh0's g0nna celebrate it wth me?? n0 0ne gag! whatever it is... life must g0 0n.. Definitely...

i'm craving f0r CUP CAKE n0w!!!!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010


this is d middle term 0f my studies since i'm taking my bachel0r in marketing... it's very fantastic but h0nestly makes me fatigue... really tired! with all d researches n paperw0rks... it makes me damn tired.. i have t0 spend less than 3 h0urs 4 my sleeping beauty.. n guess what, i d0n't even have enuf tym f0r my fav0urite sp0rts even t0 watching it 0n tv.. huhuhu

sappy sadistly it's d truth that i can't escape as it's my j0b t0 finish my studies wth sky high results.. huhuhuh
but really... it makes me stressful.. i 0nly have tym t0 0n9 myself wth my fwens t0day.. frustrated yet smiling huh! huhuhuhu

neway, i miss d pers0n that used t0 always l00k 4 me n i l00k at him... huhuhuhu

Thursday, August 12, 2010

3rd day 0f ramadhan...

salam... 3 days 0f ramadhan already.. tym really fly s0 fast.. 0ne m0nth 0f ramadhan n fasting will b like a day when it c0mes t0 Eid... n surely will miss tis ramadhan... n0t because 0f any pers0nal matters.. 0nly in tis m0nth, there will b l0t 0f blessings fr0m G0d... but my dream is having tis fasting m0nth at H0ly Land wth my family.. when will it c0mes true? hurm... h0pefully there's my rizki t0 g0 there wth my family n celebrating tis ramadhan wth all d plesure that 0nly s0me will get... insyallah...

anyway, tis week is my last week 0f tis fasting m0nth that i'll n0t as bz as a bee.. because starting next week, there'll be quiz, quiz, quiz n quiz plus test, test, test n plus presentati0n, n presentati0n... s0 much things t0 d0 in a lil tym... but that's d recipe 0f a pers0n called student ryte? hurm... n0thing much t0 say nem0re..

happy ramadhan al-mubarak t0 all muslims...

Sunday, August 8, 2010


sesungguhnya aq x taw nk kate ape g... aq dha kehilangan kate2 nk ckp pasal makhluk ciptaan Allah yg satu thu... entahlha.. rase nk give up p0wn ade p xnk give up p0wn ade.. sbb nye ade sumthing yg kt dlm diri aq ckp yg this is just 0ne 0f d challenge that G0d wants me t0 g0 thr0ugh.. it makes me able t0 be mature at my age.. hurm..

p kan, la0 nk diek0tkan istilah saintifik physic nye... aq nak panggil dye natrium benz0at.. dye trlampau mngc0mplicatedkan diri aq lebeyh g dr E=mc
².. he's ensemble 0f slapstikus de asbest0s... hahaha... ----> sah aq wat dajjal kt bl0g aq sndr..

hurm.. actually aq ade m0ck presentati0n es0k n test 0f e-c0mmerce.. p satu ape p0wn x prepare g.. bukan mls cuma xde mase sgt... nhe p0wn curik mase kjap nk 0n9... dha lame sgt x mmbl0gkn dr n mempesbukkn dr... hurm... whatever laaa... lalalalala

g satu... rabu nhe dha start ngn fasting m0nth.. hurm... adakha aq bakal berjaya melepasi visi dan misi aq nanti??? hurm.. kte tg0k n tunggu same2 jew lha k.. h0pefully in this fasting m0nth, my class will n0 l0nger pack like sardines in can.. insyallah...

hurm.. thu jew lha... pasal mamat thu, bea0 jew lha... wassalam....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

after c0uples 0f week...

i heard fr0m him that i've been waited f0r s0 l0ng.. started wth 0nly 2 msgs.. then t0day a lil impr0vement.. hehehe

happy dude!

what makes me happier? i have 0nly A SINGLE CLASS t0 attend t0m0rr0w.. i canceled my plan t0 g0 0ut 2m0r0 wth my fwens cause i wanna stay wth my father.. he have fever since last tw0 days..

well, that's d 0nly thngs i wanna spill.. chia0w!!!